Michelle Jones is the CEO, creative director, finance officer, head barista and hashtagger-in-chief of Versed Aid. She has over 50 years experience of being female and is also the resident expert in wine and cheese.
Michelle's former time served in a corporate environment paid the bills but ultimately proved to be a waste of her creativity. One morning, Michelle saw the light (lucky, given her eye-mask was on) and her subsequent resignation paved the way to the genesis of Versed Aid.
Versed Aid's mission is to cure the world of common gifts. Michelle aims to achieve this through her quirky range of high-quality greeting cards and gifts which administer healthy doses of humour. Because laughter really is the best medicine.
As there are a lot of major grouches out there who could do with a good dose of Versed Aid, Michelle recommends that you sign up to her newsletter or follow her on socials (@versedaid) to keep up with what's new.